How to listen to the silent voice of your customers

Mobile Call Recording for Call Centers

Did you know that the majority of business calls between your organization and the outside world are now mobile-based? Just think about your employees in the field (your “road warriors”), who spend a lot of time on the road, at airports, in hotels, etc. Recent estimates are that they spend up to 60% of their workday on their cellphones talking to customers.


In itself, using cellphones to interact with customers is great for CX, is highly efficient, and gives your employees the flexibility they need to do their job. That’s the good news. The bad news? These conversations are not recorded and entered in your CRM, which means that you have a huge information gap in your organization. While customer communications via email, chat, and office landlines are recorded without any problems, the mobile conversations of your field staff (technicians, sales reps, real estate brokers, etc.) remain off the radar.


The answer to monitoring these “silent” conversations seems to be obvious, right? It’s called call recording.  That’s easier said than done though. For one, as your employees are working from home (WFH) or remotely, they use their mobile phones for both private and business communications, especially if you have a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy in place. Moreover, native mobile (peer-to-peer) communications are hard to monitor, and many IOS and Android apps block call recording software on cell phones. Last but not least, privacy regulations also come into play. That’s why companies rarely capture the critical mobile customer communications of their field staff.


So now what? Is there a way to record only the business calls that your employees make using cellphones without the need to provide them with a separate device?  A way that allows for those calls to be recorded and entered into your CRM for analysis and follow-up? And that fully complies with all privacy laws and regulations?


Yes, there is such a way!  The first step is separating business calls from private calls. This is accomplished by adding a virtual business profile to each of your employee’s mobile phones. Next you need to have the proper software solution that is integrated with your call recording system and your CRM, and can differentiate between calls made using the private profile and those made using the business one. Last but not least, such a solution needs to have quite a few standard features such as out of office / working rules, call forwarding, multi-numbers etc.


There actually is a solution that already does that.  It lets you listen to the silent voice of your customers, and record all your mobile business conversations, without invading privacy or breaching any privacy laws or regulations. Especially “in the new normal”, you can have the complete 360o customer view that you need.


Click here to learn more about this innovative approach!

Picture of Ilan Paretsky

Ilan Paretsky

CMO Mobile2CRM

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