Business Communication Channels

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In order to keep track of your customers and employees, you need to be able to track, log and analyze a variety of communication channels. Each channel has its own set of pros and cons, and you must be aware of them all so you can make the best decision for your business.

Do you feel confident that you have sufficient visibility of your business’s communication network? With the variety of communication options chosen by businesses today, it is not surprising that many businesses do not feel confident in their ability to monitor and analyze to the fullest what exactly is going on in their system, and the key to unlocking that knowledge is mostly in the hands of their customers and employees, and the various communication mediums (Voice, Text, WhatsApp, etc.) that they’re using.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the different types of communication channels and how they can help you get insights into your market and customers. We’ll also talk about the importance of logging this information into your CRM and other systems so you can access it anytime, anywhere!

So without further ado let’s dive into the various types of communication channels used by most businesses today to communicate with their customer base daily.

Social Media

A staggering amount of business is being done via social media. Cconsequentially there are many touch points with potential and current customers on the various platforms. There is an ever-growing number of possibilities when it comes to tracking and managing the various social media platforms. Solutions such as -Buffer, Octopus, Hootsuite, etc. – all allow businesses to analyze and track the various factors that revolve around social media customer interactions and ongoing connectivity. Thus allowing businesses to manage their social media presence better than ever!


Emailing has been one of the ultimate communication methods for business communication both within the company and with clients for many years now. Despite the common belief that there are new lead creation methods that have surpassed email marketing, various studies have found that email marketing still accounts for the most significant amount of total leads generated and is still relevant today.

Therefore, as with any comm with customers, we have an opportunity to gain insight into the ongoing status of the customer both vis-a-vis our business and company and in general. This communication is oftentimes the bulk of the communication with the customer and hence many solutions allow for integration between your emailing channels and your company CRM so that you can utilize all this information effectively.

Calls + text

Communicating with customers via their cell phones is a very effective method of both engaging, following up, and servicing customers. This method allows for direct interaction with the customer and live feedback that enables a clear reflection of the customer’s needs and satisfaction with the product and the market.

This means of communication is going through a revolution with more than 60% of business calls being made via cell phones rather than the traditional landlines – which directly affects the past ability businesses had of capturing meaningful interactions and analysing them due to privacy issues regarding recording effectively from employee cell phones.

Addressing information quality

As you might imagine not all interactions are equal, not on all occasions do we get the full picture regarding customer problems, needs, and wants that will help us make educated decisions as a business. This is why it is important to understand the various channels through which we keep communication active with our customers and define which one is most important in terms of the quality of info coming through.

Thus we can decide where we should pursue further investment into the tools that allow for the capturing and logging of this information in our system for future use and analysis.

Mobile interactions as a game changer

By now you can most likely tell that our top performer is the mobile communication channel. Not only does it allow for employee effectiveness and flexibility, but it also enables high-quality insights into our customers and potential prospects needs, priorities and choices.

This is why it is ranked highest on urgency when it comes to utilizing the correct tools that will help monitor, record, and analyze these interactions most effectively and efficiently.

Mobile2CRM allows just that – shedding light on the mobile blind spot that has developed recently with the boom in mobile use for business and allowing for not only a complete vantage of your business but a streamlined method to extract the most insight out of your already existent interactions with clients.


It is important to fully recognize and understand the profound importance and impact proper analysis of your business communications can have on a business. Moreover, it is vital to recognize that a major part of that information is the communication channels between your company and its market, thus a deeper dive into the types of interactions that take place (voice, text, WhatsApp, etc.) is needed to make sure that this essential asset to your business is being properly utilized and maximized.

Picture of Ron Barak

Ron Barak

VP Business Development

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