Top CRM Integration

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CRM Integration Insights

If you’re like most business owners, you rely on a CRM to manage your customer relationships. But did you know that there are many powerful CRM add-ons available that can help you do more with your data? In this blog post, we will take a look at the top CRM integrations and what they can do for your business. We’ll also discuss the need for CRM integration with other systems and communications channels and how it can help you boost your sales and productivity.

Most disciplines within an organization have their own software used to fulfill their part in the company. This oftentimes creates a difficult situation where different parts of the company work independently and not in a positive manner. This diversity in software tools can create a siloed working environment for the different parts of the company, resulting in unshared information, unproductive work, and unsynchronized divisions within the company.

A CRM system reaches its full potential when it’s connected with other applications and software, thus enabling a mutual benefit for both the CRM and the other systems that operate off of the customer data in the CRM.

These systems might be unrelated to the CRM system, but the data they generate or use can make CRM work better, and vice versa.

The integration will look quite different for various types of businesses. For some, it’s as simple as linking a CRM system with a few functions of a company website. However, more complex businesses will need to integrate a CRM platform with a variety of other systems, including ones that are equally or more complex.

So, Let’s dive deeper into the types of integration available.

Marketing Integration –

The marketing process consists various processes that over time amount to the creation of a funnel for the sales team. These processes often use various software and databases to streamline and automate the engagement with potential leads. Therefore, creating a need for a central and organized system that brings all the various pieces together – CRM – most marketing software can integrate with multiple CRMs since it has become a popular demand by marketers.

Sales Integration-

Sales are done by several different channels and methods within companies and are often accompanied by various tools such as – Zoominfo’s Engage, Outreach, and even your sales reps’ cell phones. These tools must connect to your CRM due to the fundamentality of your CRM system as the basis for your sales foundation. The CRM enables the tracking and analysis of what is done by your sales team at all times and allows for intelligent decision-making and a birds-ey view into the inner working of your sales team.

Social Media Integration

Social media has long become an integral part of every marketing strategy, this in effect is driving the increase in solutions that enable smarter and easier management of social media channels. Furthermore, the leads created on social media are often very high-quality leads with high conversion rates. Therefore, marketing teams must track and log these leads into the company system so that they can be utilized by the sales team and pushed further down the pipeline. This is oftentimes easier due to human errors that lead to losing high-quality leads. Therefore, integrations between social media management tools and CRM is crucial to driving the effectiveness of the social media pipeline.

Customer Success

Perhaps the most obvious of all integrations since it is the root of the CRM tree – customer success. Tools such as – pipefy, slack, monday sales, etc. all enable advanced tools for enhancing the customer success experience on both ends – both the customer and the employee. The ability to stack these capabilities onto your best customer success tool -CRM- allows for higher customer satisfaction and better customer experience.

So, as you can tell there are many different integration available that can greatly benefit your business especially in the automation and process streamlining aspects. The main aspect that all these integrations have in common is the ability to share information across platform seamlessly and automatically. Since this is the key to enabling effective communication and processing of information within companies.

Picture of Ron Barak

Ron Barak

VP Business Development

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